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No, I'm not particularly sporty ghostwriting services memoirs That feeling of rightness, of bonding between parent and child, is an evolved trait. Parents who cared deeply about their child were more likely to have grandchildren than ones who didn’t. (This will be the case in any species that looks after its children for a long time, and human parents look after their children longer than, I think, any other species.) So our mental reward systems – including but not limited to the famous neurochemicals dopamine and oxycontin – have been wired up to make our own children the most extraordinarily fascinating things in the world.

#ItemWinsLossesWins + LossesScore
2I'm not particularly sporty ghostwriting services memoirs That feeling of rightness0000
3of bonding between parent and child0000
4is an evolved trait. Parents who cared deeply about their child were more likely to have grandchildren than ones who didn’t. (This will be the case in any species that looks after its children for a long time0000
5and human parents look after their children longer than0000
6I think0000
7any other species.) So our mental reward systems – including but not limited to the famous neurochemicals dopamine and oxycontin – have been wired up to make our own children the most extraordinarily fascinating things in the world.0000

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