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I'd like to send this letter by buy descriptive essay The space between the two, the film shows, is wide and worth exploring. And while "12 Years a Slave" hits the touchstones of slavery turned over by history books – a mother (Adepero Oduye) torn from her children, a woman (Lupita Nyong'o) raped by her master, an old man dead on the field from exhaustion – it does so in a way that feels freshly painful. But more than that, it illustrates what it means to have one's freedom and identity taken away. Solomon is rebranded "Platt" the moment he, in shackles, steps off the slave ship. Will he succumb to this seemingly inescapable fate or will he fight to be Solomon again?



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Note from the poll creator: I'd like to send this letter by buy descriptive essay The space between the two, the film shows, is wide and worth exploring. And while "12 Years a Slave" hits the touchstones of slavery turned over by history books – a mother (Adepero Oduye) torn from her children, a woman (Lupita Nyong'o) raped by her master, an old man dead on the field from exhaustion – it does so in a way that feels freshly painful. But more than that, it illustrates what it means to have one's freedom and identity taken away. Solomon is rebranded "Platt" the moment he, in shackles, steps off the slave ship. Will he succumb to this seemingly inescapable fate or will he fight to be Solomon again?