The Bestest ALPHA

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Your account's overdrawn professional essay writer "I think Vick's been here four, five years now, so just being able to go out there, that camaraderie we've built together, us kind of looking up to him like a big brother," Jackson said. "Honestly, he teaches us a lot of things on and off the field, things he's gone through. I've been saying that since day one, he's almost like a big brother figure in our lives. Just really motivates us and tells us things that the average teammate or the average older brother probably wouldn't tell us. He cares about us and he sees the future bright in our careers here in Philadelphia and things like that. With him having a year left on his contract, a year left on his deal, he kind of always stresses that, you know, 'I'm going to do what I can on this last year and see what happens.' I think he's going to give it a great shot. He wants everybody to know that he can still play this game at a high level.



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Note from the poll creator: Your account's overdrawn professional essay writer "I think Vick's been here four, five years now, so just being able to go out there, that camaraderie we've built together, us kind of looking up to him like a big brother," Jackson said. "Honestly, he teaches us a lot of things on and off the field, things he's gone through. I've been saying that since day one, he's almost like a big brother figure in our lives. Just really motivates us and tells us things that the average teammate or the average older brother probably wouldn't tell us. He cares about us and he sees the future bright in our careers here in Philadelphia and things like that. With him having a year left on his contract, a year left on his deal, he kind of always stresses that, you know, 'I'm going to do what I can on this last year and see what happens.' I think he's going to give it a great shot. He wants everybody to know that he can still play this game at a high level.