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I didn't go to university <a href=" ">ambien sexual side effects</a> A few years later came two recordings that showed just how much confidence he had acquired. Through saxophonist Bobby Wellins Tracey had become intrigued by the idea of mingling poetry and jazz, and the fruits can be seen on the remarkable recording by Tracey&rsquo;s New Directions Quartet, where the music is inspired by the poetry of Michael Horowitz. Much better known is the album that followed a year later, Under Milk Wood. Tracey was prompted by Dylan Thomas&rsquo;s eponymous radio drama to compose an entire suite, which here and there dares to weave in references to American standards. The music however is a million miles from anything Americans were producing at the time. There&rsquo;s a strange pathos and humour, and a sense of the uncanny, especially in the movement entitled Starless and Bible Black.



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Note from the poll creator: I didn't go to university <a href=" ">ambien sexual side effects</a> A few years later came two recordings that showed just how much confidence he had acquired. Through saxophonist Bobby Wellins Tracey had become intrigued by the idea of mingling poetry and jazz, and the fruits can be seen on the remarkable recording by Tracey&rsquo;s New Directions Quartet, where the music is inspired by the poetry of Michael Horowitz. Much better known is the album that followed a year later, Under Milk Wood. Tracey was prompted by Dylan Thomas&rsquo;s eponymous radio drama to compose an entire suite, which here and there dares to weave in references to American standards. The music however is a million miles from anything Americans were producing at the time. There&rsquo;s a strange pathos and humour, and a sense of the uncanny, especially in the movement entitled Starless and Bible Black.