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What's the interest rate on this account? <a href=" ">visual analysis essay papers for sale</a> Aray was born and raised in Cuba, and came to the United States at eleven. I mention that both of us spent our childhood in totalitarian countries. &#8220;It&#8217;s no different from being in that type of environment,&#8221; she says of wearing Glass. &#8220;I grew up accustomed to knowing that the government knew more than I probably knew about myself and about my family. And I think here it&#8217;s our choice as to how much we want to share.&#8221; Does this mean she has any qualms about the technology? &#8220;I don&#8217;t,&#8221; she says. Aray was an early adopter of Twitter and Foursquare; as a young immigrant, she learned to read English through a computer program. &#8220;It&#8217;s who I am,&#8221; she says.



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Note from the poll creator: What's the interest rate on this account? <a href=" ">visual analysis essay papers for sale</a> Aray was born and raised in Cuba, and came to the United States at eleven. I mention that both of us spent our childhood in totalitarian countries. &#8220;It&#8217;s no different from being in that type of environment,&#8221; she says of wearing Glass. &#8220;I grew up accustomed to knowing that the government knew more than I probably knew about myself and about my family. And I think here it&#8217;s our choice as to how much we want to share.&#8221; Does this mean she has any qualms about the technology? &#8220;I don&#8217;t,&#8221; she says. Aray was an early adopter of Twitter and Foursquare; as a young immigrant, she learned to read English through a computer program. &#8220;It&#8217;s who I am,&#8221; she says.