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I'm from England essay editors online He was overwhelmed. The fact that 44 states or so, and Massachusetts, went Republican was a shocker [as was] the fact that the country really liked Reagan. For a while [O'Neill] would dismiss that as anti-[Jimmy] Carter, that they just wanted to get a new president, but I think it became very clear to him that Reagan was enormously popular with people that he had grown up with. Middle class Irish, Italians, Catholics – people that had normally voted Democratic. They were very much for Reagan, and I think that's what impressed him most. The nuns, for example, would stop him and say, "Be nice to President Reagan."



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Note from the poll creator: I'm from England essay editors online He was overwhelmed. The fact that 44 states or so, and Massachusetts, went Republican was a shocker [as was] the fact that the country really liked Reagan. For a while [O'Neill] would dismiss that as anti-[Jimmy] Carter, that they just wanted to get a new president, but I think it became very clear to him that Reagan was enormously popular with people that he had grown up with. Middle class Irish, Italians, Catholics – people that had normally voted Democratic. They were very much for Reagan, and I think that's what impressed him most. The nuns, for example, would stop him and say, "Be nice to President Reagan."