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Looking for work <a href=" ">generic oxybutynin</a> The reason that parents in interfaith marriages I interviewed chose to raise children in one faith was not primarily because they worried about whether their children would be accepted by a religious community, though they certainly thought that was important. Rather, they thought religion had important lessons to offer and that the rituals of a particular faith would ground them as they moved into adulthood. That may be much easier if the child isn't getting mixed messages about God.



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Note from the poll creator: Looking for work <a href=" ">generic oxybutynin</a> The reason that parents in interfaith marriages I interviewed chose to raise children in one faith was not primarily because they worried about whether their children would be accepted by a religious community, though they certainly thought that was important. Rather, they thought religion had important lessons to offer and that the rituals of a particular faith would ground them as they moved into adulthood. That may be much easier if the child isn't getting mixed messages about God.