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I love this site who can write collegte papers In smartphones, market share is everything because that drives which platforms developers develop apps for–hence the duopoly of Android and iOS will continue, Microsoft is too late to the game, and BlackBerry is a Ã¢Â€Âśdead man walking.Ã¢Â€Âť All the other wannabes–Tizen, et al, will never get enough traction to compete effectively. In fact, outside the US, it is pretty much an Android world and as more and more Chinese and Indian manufacturers make and sell Android smartphones, Microsoft’s market share will shrink globally. Microsoft would be wise to abandon Windows Phone and concentrate on developing IE as a cross-platform browser that can run on Android devices.



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Note from the poll creator: I love this site who can write collegte papers In smartphones, market share is everything because that drives which platforms developers develop apps for–hence the duopoly of Android and iOS will continue, Microsoft is too late to the game, and BlackBerry is a Ã¢Â€Âśdead man walking.Ã¢Â€Âť All the other wannabes–Tizen, et al, will never get enough traction to compete effectively. In fact, outside the US, it is pretty much an Android world and as more and more Chinese and Indian manufacturers make and sell Android smartphones, Microsoft’s market share will shrink globally. Microsoft would be wise to abandon Windows Phone and concentrate on developing IE as a cross-platform browser that can run on Android devices.