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I\'d like to withdraw $100, please <a href=\" \">where to buy sinequan</a> She added: \"The impact of this sale won\'t only affect borrowers, but will affect everybody. The simple fact is that having these loans on the public books would be better off for the government in the long run. Selling off the loan book at a discount to secure a cash lump sum now doesn\'t make economic sense.\"



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Note from the poll creator: I\'d like to withdraw $100, please <a href=\" \">where to buy sinequan</a> She added: \"The impact of this sale won\'t only affect borrowers, but will affect everybody. The simple fact is that having these loans on the public books would be better off for the government in the long run. Selling off the loan book at a discount to secure a cash lump sum now doesn\'t make economic sense.\"