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I\'m a housewife <a href=\" \">torches purchase finasteride propecia retorted independent</a> Still, Evans, who is a voting member of the Fed\'s policy-setting committee this year, said the U.S. central bank would keep short-term interest rates near zero until unemployment falls below 6.5 percent, which he expects could happen in mid-2015. As a result, rates could stay low for a year, or more, after the bond-buying program ends, he said, though that timeframe could be shorter if economic growth goes \"roaring along\" at more than 3.5 percent.



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Note from the poll creator: I\'m a housewife <a href=\" \">torches purchase finasteride propecia retorted independent</a> Still, Evans, who is a voting member of the Fed\'s policy-setting committee this year, said the U.S. central bank would keep short-term interest rates near zero until unemployment falls below 6.5 percent, which he expects could happen in mid-2015. As a result, rates could stay low for a year, or more, after the bond-buying program ends, he said, though that timeframe could be shorter if economic growth goes \"roaring along\" at more than 3.5 percent.