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What are the hours of work? <a href=\" \">workers compensation loans</a> \"Whenever someone involved in the rough-and-tumble of Washington decides to move on, there is speculation in various quarters about the \'real reason,\'\" Morell said in a written statement. \"But when I say that it is time for my family, nothing could be more real than that.\" <a href=\" \">new loans for bad credit</a> Symbols like the rape tree serve as a reminder to volunteers or anyone passing through of the escalating brutality \"coyotes\" are using to control immigrants they lead through this land. The tree is a trafficker\'s way of asserting power. But it also serves as a landmark for the border volunteers, allowing them to keep record of immigrant migration patterns through the brush.

#ItemWinsLossesWins + LossesScore
1What are the hours of work? <a href=\" \">workers compensation loans</a> \"Whenever someone involved in the rough-and-tumble of Washington decides to move on0000
2there is speculation in various quarters about the \'real reason0000
3\'\" Morell said in a written statement. \"But when I say that it is time for my family0000
4nothing could be more real than that.\" <a href=\" \">new loans for bad credit</a> Symbols like the rape tree serve as a reminder to volunteers or anyone passing0000
5allowing them to keep record of immigrant migration patterns through the brush.0000

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