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An accountancy practice <a href=\" \">payday avenue</a> But in large parts of the country, local fire departments, often staffed by volunteers, can\'t afford to employ hazardous-material experts to ensure compliance. \"Most of these fire departments just don\'t have time to get to all of those inspections, so they rely on the Tier II data to tell them what\'s there,\" Kaszniak said. \"It\'s an imperfect system.\" <a href=\" \">loans for credit score</a> Isabella Sankey, director of policy for Liberty, said: \"Proper monitoring of the use of these invasive powers is essential - cutting crucial reporting requirements would only aggravate such shortcomings. Hopefully the Home Office will now heed the warnings and overhaul a measure that\'s more effective at alienating youngsters than fighting crime.\"

#ItemWinsLossesWins + LossesScore
1An accountancy practice <a href=\" \">payday avenue</a> But in large parts of the country0000
2local fire departments0000
3often staffed by volunteers0000
4can\'t afford to employ hazardous-material experts to ensure compliance. \"Most of these fire departments just don\'t have time to get to all of those inspections0000
5so they rely on the Tier II data to tell them what\'s there0000
6\" Kaszniak said. \"It\'s an imperfect system.\" <a href=\" \">loans for credit score</a> Isabella Sankey0000
7director of policy for Liberty0000
8said: \"Proper monitoring of the use of these invasive powers is essential - cutting crucial reporting requirements would only aggravate such shortcomings. Hopefully the Home Office will now heed the warnings and overhaul a measure that\'s more 0000

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