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What university do you go to? <a href=\" \">fox shine who can write my term paper trials</a> Besides playing Kang the Klingon in various \"Star Trek\" series, Ansara appeared on dozens of TV shows, including \"Broken Arrow,\" \'\'Law of the Plainsman,\" \'\'I Dream of Jeannie,\" \'\'Hawaii 5-0\" and \"Murder, She Wrote.\"



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Note from the poll creator: What university do you go to? <a href=\" \">fox shine who can write my term paper trials</a> Besides playing Kang the Klingon in various \"Star Trek\" series, Ansara appeared on dozens of TV shows, including \"Broken Arrow,\" \'\'Law of the Plainsman,\" \'\'I Dream of Jeannie,\" \'\'Hawaii 5-0\" and \"Murder, She Wrote.\"