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Could I ask who\'s calling? <a href=\" \">tn installment loans</a> Arnold said that Rutgers researchers have been trying to create other antiviral drugs besides oseltamivir (Tamiflu), which is currently the gold standard for treating flu and a key tool for use in an influenza pandemic but isn\'t useful against resistant flu strains. He noted that the team\'s work on the new antiviral is based on an approach used to develop HIV drugs. <a href=\" \">quick 1 hour loans</a> Singer Katy Perry shows off her engagement ring from comedian Russell Brand. Brand proposed to Perry on New Year\'s Eve in a tent at the base of a mountain in India in January 2010. But not even a nice ring could keep the two together. Brand filed for divorce on Dec. 30, 2011.



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Note from the poll creator: Could I ask who\'s calling? <a href=\" \">tn installment loans</a> Arnold said that Rutgers researchers have been trying to create other antiviral drugs besides oseltamivir (Tamiflu), which is currently the gold standard for treating flu and a key tool for use in an influenza pandemic but isn\'t useful against resistant flu strains. He noted that the team\'s work on the new antiviral is based on an approach used to develop HIV drugs.
<a href=\" \">quick 1 hour loans</a> Singer Katy Perry shows off her engagement ring from comedian Russell Brand. Brand proposed to Perry on New Year\'s Eve in a tent at the base of a mountain in India in January 2010. But not even a nice ring could keep the two together. Brand filed for divorce on Dec. 30, 2011.