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What do you do? <a href=\" \">chemistry homework help websites jc</a> The show\'s trailers have been taunting us, with adverts saying, \"All bad things must come to an end\" and members of Breaking Bad\'s cast all seem very pleased with how things turn out. Bryan Cranston, who plays Walter White, the chemistry teacher who becomes a meth cook and wreaks havoc on, well, everything, has said the ending is \"very satisfying to Breaking Bad fans. It&rsquo;s unapologetic, it&rsquo;s very Breaking Bad\". Aaron Paul, who plays White\'s sometime-junkie business partner Jesse, seems to agree, saying he \"couldn\'t be happier with the way it ended\".



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Note from the poll creator: What do you do? <a href=\" \">chemistry homework help websites jc</a> The show\'s trailers have been taunting us, with adverts saying, \"All bad things must come to an end\" and members of Breaking Bad\'s cast all seem very pleased with how things turn out. Bryan Cranston, who plays Walter White, the chemistry teacher who becomes a meth cook and wreaks havoc on, well, everything, has said the ending is \"very satisfying to Breaking Bad fans. It&rsquo;s unapologetic, it&rsquo;s very Breaking Bad\". Aaron Paul, who plays White\'s sometime-junkie business partner Jesse, seems to agree, saying he \"couldn\'t be happier with the way it ended\".