Anonymizing iTunes Plus Downloads

When iTunes came out with DRM-free music downloads, we all celebrated (maybe I was the only one at the party…). Although there were methods of removing the iTunes DRM from files, the methods were cumbersome and annoying. With the advent of iTunes Plus and its DRM-free downloads, the “protection” provided by DRM was no longer… Continue reading Anonymizing iTunes Plus Downloads

The Painter

The rising sun breathes new life into the city. As it climbs above the skyline, the dull gloom of night dissolves, and blankets of fog disperse. Birds chirp, and traffic lights seem happy to have an audience for which to perform. A fresh day of work begins, and I lift my brush and start to… Continue reading The Painter

Prettify: Pretty Printing Your Code with Style

Update (Mar. 11): My Sunburst theme has been added to the official Prettify project! There aren’t many themes yet. Take a look. Today, I added pretty printing for any code snippets I paste inside <pre> and <code> tags. To do this, I am using Mike Samuel’s Prettify. Prettify powers the syntax highlighting on Google Code… Continue reading Prettify: Pretty Printing Your Code with Style

My First Rails App

Yay! My first rail app has been deployed! It’s a simple project manager application, and you can see it in action, and mess around with it (but don’t hack it, I didn’t escape all of the forms) here. I learned everything I needed to make this from PeepCode’s Meet Rails screencasts. In this 2 part… Continue reading My First Rails App